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Solution Plasma Spray Equipment
  1. B.H. Kear & P.R. Strutt, "Nanostructures: The Next Generation of High Performance Bulk Materials and Coatings," Naval Reviews, XLVI (1994); also published in KONA Powder and Particle, 13, 45-55 (1995)

  2. B.H. Kear, G. Skandan, B.M. Gallois, T.E. Fischer, P.R. Strutt, and T.D. Xiao, “New Developments in Synthesis and Processing of Nanophase Bulk Materials and Coatings,” Procs. Nanostructured Mater. and Coatings., Atlanta, GA, Nov 14-16, 1995.

  3. T.D. Xiao, S. Torban, P.R. Strutt, and B.H. Kear, “Synthesis of Nanostructured Ni/Cr & Ni/Cr3C2 Powders via Organic Solution Method,” Nanostructured Materials, 7, 857-871 (1996).

  4. T.D. Xiao, Bokhimi, M. Benaissa, R. Pérez, P.R. Strutt, and M. José-Yacamán, "Microstructural Characteristics of Chemically Processed MnO2 Nanofibers," Acta Mater., 45, 1685 (1997)

  5. M. Benaissa, M. José-Yacamán, T.D. Xiao, and P.R. Strutt, “Microstructural study of hollandite-type MnO2 nano-fibers,” Appl. Phys. Letts., 70 (1997), p 2120.

  6. P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray Processing of Nanophase Co/WC and Ni-based Alloys,” Eng. Foundation Conf. on Thermal Spray Processing of Nanoscale Materials, Davos, Switzerland, Aug 3-8, 1997.

  7. T.D. Xiao, X. Bokhimi, A. Garcia-Ruiz, A. Morales, D.M. Wang, H. Chen, and P.R. Strutt, “Stabilization and Transformation of the Phases in Nanostructured Zirconia Prepared by Wet Chemical Synthesis Route,” MRS Symp., Boston, MA, Dec 1-5, 1997.

  8. T.D. Xiao, P.R. Strutt, M. Benaissa, H. Chen, and B.H. Kear, “Synthesis of High Active-Site Density Nanofibrous MnO2-Base Materials with Enhanced Permeabilities,” Nanostructured Mats., 10 (1998), pp. 1051-1061.

  9. P.R. Strutt, Thermal Spray Processing of Nanoscale Materials by HVOF/HVIF,” J. Thermal Spray Tech., 7 (1998), pp. 413-415.

  10. T.D. Xiao, S. Jiang, D.M. Wang, Y. Wang, R. Zatorski, C.W. Strock, and P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray of Nanostructured Ceramic Coatings for Improved Mechanical Properties,” Procs. 12th Intnl. Conf. on Surface Modification Technologies, Rosemont, IL, Oct 12-14, 1998; publ. in T.S. Sudarshan, K.A. Khor, and M. Jeandin, eds., Surface Modification Technologies., XII (ASM Intnl, MaterialsPark, OH, 1998).

  11. T.D. Xiao and P.R. Strutt, “Inframat’s Nanostructured Materials Technologies: Thermal Spray Feedstocks, Ready-to-Press Powders, and Environmental Materials,” Procs. Fine, Ultrafine and Nano Powders ‘98, New York, NY, Nov 8-10, 1998.

  12. P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray Processing of Nanophase Co/WC and Ni-based Alloys,” Eng. Foundation Conf. on Thermal Spray Processing of Nanoscale Materials, Santorini, Greece, Aug 3-8, 1999.

  13. P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray of Nanostructured Alumina/Titania Feedstock for Improved Properties,” Eng. Foundation Conf. on Thermal Spray Processing of Nanoscale Materials, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Aug 3-8, 1999.

  14. T.D. Xiao, P.R. Strutt, and D.E. Reisner, “Energing Nanostructured Thermal Spray Feedstocks,” Procs. Fine, Ultrafine and Nano Powders ‘99, Orlando, FL, Oct 17-22, 1999.

  15. Y. Wang, S. Jiang, M. Wang, S. Wang, T.D. Xiao, and P.R. Strutt, “Abrasive wear characteristics of plasma sprayed nanostructured alumina / titania coatings,” Wear, 237 (1999), pp. 176-185.

  16. T.D. Xiao, “Thermal Spray of Nanostructured Feed - the Next Generation of Engineered Coatings,” 2nd Symp. of Young Chinese Scholars in Materials Science, Hongzhou, PR China, Oct 8-12, 1999.

  17. T.D. Xiao, Y. Wang, S. Jiang, S. Wang, D.M. Wang, and P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray of Nanostructured Alumina/Titania Coatings with Improved Mechanical Properties,” Procs. 2nd Intnl. Conf. Surface Eng., Wuhan, PR China, Oct 17-22, 1999, pp. 142-146.

  18. T.D. Xiao, P.R. Strutt, and D.E. Reisner, “Emerging Nanostructured Thermal Spray Feedstocks,” Procs. Fine, Ultrafine, and Nano Powders ‘99, Orlando, FL, Oct 17-22, 1999.

  19. X. Bokhimi, A. Morales, O. Novaro, T. Lopez, R. Gomez, T.D. Xiao, and P.R. Strutt, “Nanocrystalline Tetragonal Zirconia Stabilized with Yttrium and Hydroxyls,” Nanostructured Materials, 12 (1999), pp. 593-596.

  20. T.D. Xiao, Z. Zhang, D.M. Wang, Y. Wang, R. Rigney, and P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray of Superfine WC/Co Feedstocks with Improved Coating Properties,” Procs. 5th Conf. Hard Metals & Refractory Alloys, Annapolis, MD, Sep 25-27, 2000, pp. 161-167.

  21. Y.D. Zhang, S.H. Wang, and T.D. Xiao, “Magnetic Nanocomposite Cores for Improved High Frequency Magnetic Perf.," Fine, Ultrafine and Nano Particles 2001, Montreal, Canada, Oct 29 – Nov 3, 2000.

  22. L.L. Shaw, D. Goberman, R. Ren, M. Gell, S. Jiang, Y. Wang, T.D. Xiao, and P.R. Strutt, “The dependency of Microstructure and Props. Of Nanostructured Coatings on Plasma Spray Conditions,” Surface and Coatings Technology, 130 (2000), pp. 1-8.

  23. Y. Wang, S. Jiang, M. Wang, S. Wang, T.D. Xiao, and P.R. Strutt, “Abrasive Wear chars. Of plasma sprayed nanostructured alumina/titania coating,” Wear, 237 (2000), pp. 176-185.

  24. E.H. Jordan, M. Gell, Y.H. Sohn, D. Goberman, L. Shaw, S. Jiang, M. Wang, T.D. Xiao, and P. Strutt, “Fabrication and evaluation of plasma sprayed Nanostructured alumina-titania coatings with superior properties,” Mats. Sci. and Eng., A301 (2001), pp. 80-89.

  25. Y. Zhang, T.D. Xiao, “Nanocomposite Co/SiO2 soft magnetic materials,” 8th Joint MMM-Intermag Conf., San Antonio, TX, Jan 7-11, 2001.

  26. D. Goberman, Y. Sohn, L.L. Shaw, E.H. Jordan, M. Gell, M. wang, S. Jiang, Y. wang, T.D. Xiao, and P.R. Strutt, “Thermal Spray of Al2O3-TiO2 Coatings with Nanopowder Feeds,” ACS Symp. Ceramic Coatings for Thermal, Environmental, and Mech. Appls., Indianapolis, IN, Apr 22-25, 2001.

  27. Z. Zhang, “Nano-HAP Coatings,” 27th Ann. Mtg. Soc, for Biomaterials, St. Paul, MN, Apr 24-29, 2001.

  28. D. Xiao, D.M. Wang, and P.R. Strutt, “Improved Coating Props. Based on Commercial Nanostruictured Feedstock Prods.,” Workshop on Structural Nanomaterials, Wash., DC, Jun 20-21, 2001.

  29. Y.D. Zhang and T.D. Xiao,“,” 1st Sino-US Symp. On Nanostructured Mats. And Tech., Beijing, PR China, Jul 2-4, 2001.

  30. Y. Zhang, S.H. Wang, T.D. Xiao, J.I. Budnick, and W.A. Hines, “Nanocomposite Co/SiO2 soft magnetic materials,” IEEE Trans. Magnetics, 37 (2001), pp. 2275-2277.

  31. M. Gell, L. Shaw, E. Jordan, B. Cetegen, T. Bergman, D, Xiao, P. Strutt, and Y. Sohn, “The Science & Technology of Nanostructured Ceramic Coatings,” Novel Synth. & Proc. of Nanostrucrured Coatings for Protection Against Degradation, Davos, Switzerland, Aug 12-17, 2001.

  32. D. Xiao, D.M. Wang, P.R. Strutt, and R.R. Rigney, “Improved Coating Properties Based on Commercial Nanostructured Feedstock Prods.,” Novel Synth. & Proc. of Nanostrucrured Coatings for Protection Against Degradation, Davos, Switzerland, Aug 12-17, 2001.

  33. N.P. Padture, K.W. Schlichting, T. Bhatia, A. Ozturk, B. Cetegen, E. H. Jordan, M. Gell, S. Jiang, T.D. Xiao, P.R. Strutt, E. Garcia, P. Miranzo, and M.I. Osendi, “Towards Durable Thermal Barrier Coatings with Novel Microstructures Deposited by Solution-Precursor Plasma Spray,” Acta Mater., 49 (2001), pp. 2251-2257.

  34. M. Gell, E.H. Jordan, Y.H. Sohn, D. Goberman, L. Shaw, and T.D. Xiao, “Development and implementation of plasma sprayed nanostructured ceramic coatings,” Surface & Coatings Tech. 146-147 (2001), pp. 48-54.

  35. Z.T. Zhang and T.D. Xiao, “Nanostructured HAP Coatings for Next Generation of Artificial Bone Implant Appls.,“ Fine, Ultrafine and Nano Particles 2001, Chicago, IL Oct 14-17, 2001.

  36. D.P. Yang, Y.D. Zhang, and S. Hui, “Mossbauer Spectroscopic and X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Fe/SiO2 Nanocomposite Soft Magnetic Mats.,” 46th Ann. Conf. On Mag. And Mag, Mats., Seattle, WA, Nov, 2001.

  37. R. Hui, Y.D. Zhang, T.D. Xiao, M. Wu, S. Ge, W.A. Hines, J.I. Budnick, M.J. Yacaman, and H.E. Troiani, “Study of NiFe/SiO2 Nanocomposites,” MRS Fall Mtg. Abs., Boston, MA, Nov 26-30, 2001; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 703, pp. 19-24.

  38. S. Hui, Y.D. Zhang, T.D. Xiao, M. Wu, S. Ge, W.A. Hines, J.I. Budnick, M.J. Yacaman, and H.E. Troiani, “Fe/SiO2 Nanocomposite Soft Magnetic Materials,” MRS Fall Mtg. Abs., Boston, MA, Nov 26-30, 2001; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 703, pp. 237-242.

  39. Z. Zhang, M.F. Dunn, and T.D. Xiao, “Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Improved Adhesion and Corrosion Resistance for Medical Implants,” MRS Fall Mtg. Abs., Boston, MA, Nov 26-30, 2001

  40. Z. Zhang, Y.D. Zhang, T.D. Xiao, S. Ge, M. Wu, W.A. Hines, J.I. Budnick, J.M. Gromek, M.J. Yacaman, and H.E. Troiani, “Nanostructured NiFe2O4 Soft Magnetic Ferrite,” MRS Fall Mtg. Abs., Boston, MA, Nov 26-30, 2001; Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 703, pp. 111-116.

  41. Z. Zhang, M.F. Dunn, T.D. Xiao, A.P. Tomsia, and E. Saiz, “Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Improved Adhesion and Corrosion Resistance for Medical Implants,” Nanotech & Biotech Convergence – 2002, Stamford, CT, May 6-7, 2002.

  42. M. Wu, Y.D. Zhang, S. Hui, T.D. Xiao, S. Ge, W.A. Hines, and J.I. Budnick, “Structure and magnetic props. of SiO2-coated Co nanoparticles,” J. Appl. Phys., 92 (2002), pp. 491-495.

  43. M. Wu, Y.D. Zhang, S. Hui, T.D. Xiao, S. Ge, W.A. Hines, J.I. Budnick, and G.W. Taylor, Microwave magnetic Props. of Co50/(SiO2)50 nanoparticles,” Appl. Phys. Letts., 23 (2002), pp. 4404-4406.

  44. X. Ma, J.C. Hsiao, D.E. Reisner, G. Zhang, H. Zhao, and W. Xu, “Commercialization of Nanostructured Feedstock Materials for the Thermal Spray Industry,” Shanghai Intnl. Nanotechnology Cooperation Symp., Shanghai, China, Jul 30 – Aug 1, 2002.

  45. T.D. Xiao and D.E. Reisner, “Dev. And Implementation of Thermal Spray nanocoatings Using Commercial Nanostructured Feedstock Products,” Procs. 3rd Intnl. Conf. Surface Eng., Chengdu, China, Oct 10-13, 2002.

  46. X. Ma, J.C. Hsiao, D.E. Reisner, G. Zhang, H. Zhao, and W. Xu, “Commercialization of Nanostructured Feedstock Mats. For the Thermal Spray Industry,” Procs. 3rd Intnl. Conf. Surface Eng., Chengdu, China, Oct 10-13, 2002

  47. Y. Zhang, X. Ma, S. Hui, M. Wu, S. Ge, W. Hines, J. Budnick, B. Cetegen, and S. Semenov, “Structure and magnetic props. of NiFe/SiO2 and Co/SiO2 nanocomposites consolidated by detonation compaction,” 47th Ann. Conf. On Mag. And Mag, Mats., Tampa, FL, Nov 11-15, 2002.

  48. S. Ge, X. Ma, T. Zhang, M. Wu, Y. Zhang, and J. Ings, “Structural and Magnetic Props. of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 thick films fabricated by thermal spray,” 47th Ann. Conf. On Mag. And Mag, Mats., Tampa, FL, Nov 11-15, 2002.

  49. H. Zhang, X. Ma, J. Dai, S. Hui, J. Roth, T.D. Xiao, and D. Reisner, “The Structure of Plasma Spray Electrolyte LSGM and its Evolution with Temp.,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  50. S. Ge, Z. Zhang, Y.D. Zhang, M. Wu, and D.P. Yang, “Structure, Magnetization and Mossbauer Study of Nanostructured Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 Ferrite Powders,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  51. M. Wu, Y.D. Zhang, S. Hui, T.D. Xiao, S. Ge, W.A. Hines, and M.J. Yacaman, “Temp-Dependent Magnetic Props. of SiO2–Coated Ni75Fe25 Nanoparticles,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  52. H. Zhang, S. Ge, Y.D. Zhang, S. Hui, and Z. Zhang, “Synth. and Char. of Nanostructured Iron Powders,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  53. X. Ma, Y.D. Zhang, S. Hui, M. Wu, and S. Ge, “Detonation Consolidation of NiFe/SiO2 Nanocomposites,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  54. S. Hui, M. Wu, S. Ge, D. Yan, Y.D. Zhang, T.D. Xiao, M.J. Yacaman, M. Miki-Yoshida, W.A. Hines, and J.I. Budnick, “Synth. and Char. of Structure Controlled Nano-Cobalt Particles,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  55. X. Ma, H. Zhang, J. Dai, J. Roth, J. Broadhead, D. Xiao, D. Reisner, and S. Hui, “Char. of Plasma Sprayed SOFCs for Intermediate Temps.,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  56. Z. Zhang, J. Dai, M. Dunn, T.D. Xiao, A.P. Tomsia, and E. Saiz, “Corrosion and Microstructure on Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Coatings of Ti Alloy Implants,” 2002 MRS Fall Mtg., Boston, MA, Dec, 2002.

  57. B.H. Kear, P.E.C. Bryant, T.D. Xiao, and G. Xie, “Nanomaterials Commercialization Case Study – Inframat’s Nanocoatings,” 2003 Intnl. Conf. on Innovative Mats., Shanghai, China, Mar 20-22, 2003

  58. P.E.C. Bryant, J. Roth, D.M. Wang, T.D. Xiao, and G. Xie, “Mfg. Nanostructured WC/Co Hardmetals,” 2003 Intnl. Conf. on Innovative Mats., Shanghai, China, Mar 20-22, 2003

  59. Y.D. Zhang, S.H. Ge, M. Wu, and S. Hui, “Dev. Novel Soft Magnetic Mats. Via Nanostructuring,” Intermag 2003Conf., Boston, MA, Mar 30 – Apr 3, 2003.

  60. Y.D. Zhang, M. Wu, S.H. Ge, S. Hui, and X.Q. Ma, “Consolidation and Mag. Props. of Nanostructured Ni75Fe25,” Intermag 2003 Conf., Boston, MA, Mar 30 – Apr 3, 2003.

  61. L. Xie, X. Ma, E.H. Jordan, N. P. Padture, T.D. Xiao, and M. Gell, ”Identification of Coating Deposition Mechanisms in the Solution-Precursor Plasma-Spray Process using Model Spray Experiments,” Mats. Science & Eng., A362 (2003), pp. 204-212

  62. X.Q. Ma, S. Hui, H. Zhang, J. Dai, J. Roth, T.D. Xiao, and D. Reisner, “Intermediate Temp. SOFC Based on Fully Integrated Plasma Sprayed Components,” Intnl. Thermal Spray Conf., Orlando, FL, May 5-8, 2003.

  63. X.Q. Ma, J. Roth, T.D. Xiao, and M. Gell, “Study of Unique Microstructure in SPS Ceramic Nanocoatings,” Intnl. Thermal Spray Conf., Orlando, FL, May 5-8, 2003

  64. X.Q. Ma, S. Ge, T. Zhang, and Y. Zhang, “Property Eval. Of HVOF-Sprayed Magnetic Thick Films,” Intnl. Thermal Spray Conf., Orlando, FL, May 5-8, 2003.

  65. S. Ge, Y.D. Zhang, Z. Zhang, D.P. Yang, J.I. Budnick, and W.A. Hines, “Influence of nanostructure on magnetic props. of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 ferrite powders,” 9th Joint MMM/Intermag Conf., Anaheim, CA, Jan 5-9, 2004.

  66. Y.D. Zhang, S. Ge, H. Zhang, S. Hui, J.I. Budnick, W.A. Hines, M.J. Yacaman, and M. Miki, “Effect of spin disorder on magnetic props. of nanostructured Ni-ferrite,” 9th Joint MMM/Intermag Conf., Anaheim, CA, Jan 5-9, 2004.

  67. L. Xie, X. Ma, E.H. Jordan, N. P. Padture, T.D. Xiao and M. Gell, “Deposition Mechanisms in the Solution-Precursor Plasma-Spray Process,” Surface & Coatings Tech., 177-178 (Jan, 2004), 103-107.

  68. L. Xie, X. Ma, E.H. Jordan, N. P. Padture, T.D. Xiao and M. Gell, ”Highly Durable Thermal Barrier Coatings Made by the Solution Precursor Plasma Spray Process," Surface & Coatings Tech., 177-178 (Jan,2004), 97-102.

  69. L. Xie, X. Ma, E.H. Jordan, N. P. Padture, T.D. Xiao and M. Gell, ”Deposition of Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Solution Precursor Plasma Spray Process,” J. Mat. Sci., 39 (2004), 1-8.

  70. E.H. Jordan, L. Xie, X. Ma, M. Gell, N. Padture, B. Cetegen, J. Roth, T. D. Xiao and P.E.C. Bryant, “Superior Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Solution Precursor Plasma Spray,” J. Thermal Spray, 13 (2004), pp. 57-65.

  71. X. Q. Ma, T. DeCarmine, T. D. Xiao, “Plasma Sprayed High Lubricity Nanocomposite Coatings,” Procs. Intnl. Thermal Spray Conf., (Osaka, Japan, May 10-12, 2004), pp. 812-819.

  72. M. Gell, L. Xie, X. Ma, E.H. Jordan, and N. Padure, “ Highly durable thermal barrier coatings made by the solution precursor plasma spray process,” Surface Coatings & Tech., 177-178 (2004), 97-102.

  73. L. Xie, X. Ma, A. Ozturk, E.H. Jordan, N. P. Padture, B.M. Cetegen, T.D. Xiao, and M. Gell, "The Effects Of Processing Parameters on the Spray Patterns Produced in the Solution Precursor Plasma Spray of Thermal Barrier Coatings," Surface & Coatings Tech., in Press (2004).

  74. Y. Zhang, M. Wu, S. Ge, S. Hui, J.I. Budnick, and W.A. Hines, “A Comparative Study of Ni75Fe25 Cores with Nanosized and micron-sized grains,” 49th MMM Conf., Jacksonville, FL, Nov 7-11, 2004.

  75. D-P. Yang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, and T. Zhang, “A Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of Nanostructured Ni-ferrite concerning Synthesis Completion and Spin Disorder,” 49th MMM Conf., Jacksonville, FL, Nov 7-11, 2004

  76. X. Ma and D. Xiao,”Nanocomposite Coating of High Lubricity and Low Friction Fabricated by Plasma Spary, “ Proces 19th Intnl.Conf. Surface Mod.Technologies, St. Paul, MN, Aug 1-3, 2005.

  77. P.M. Raj, P. Muthana, T.D. Xiao, L. Wan, D. Balaraman, I.R. Abothu, S. Bhattacharya, M. Swaminathan, and R. Tummala, “Magnetic Nanocomposites for Organic Compatible Miniaturized Antennas and Inductors,” Procs. IEEE Intnl. Conf. Adv. Packaging Mats: Processes, Properties and Interfaces, Irvine, CA, Mar 16-18.

  78. L.Xie, D. Chen, E.H. Jordan, A. Ozturk, F. Wu, X. Ma, B.M. Cetegen, and M. Gell, “Formation vertical cracks in solution-precursor plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coating,” Surface & Coating. Tech., 201 (2006), PP. 1058-1064.

  79. X. Ma, F. Wu, J. Roth, M. Gell, and E.H. Jordan, “Low thermal conductivity thermal barrier coating deposited by the solution plasma spray process,” Surface & Coatings. Tech., 201 (2006), pp. 4447-4452.

  80. X.Q. Ma, J. Roth, D.W. Gandy, and G.J. Frederick,” A New HVOF Process for Making Finely Structured and Highly Bonded Inconel Alloy Layers from Liquid Feedstock,” J. Thermal Spray Tech., 15 (Dec. 2006), pp. 670-675.


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